Rudolph Jackson- Outstanding Advisor
Rudolph Jackson is an Outstanding Advisor for December.
Learn more about Rudolph in this blog post.
How long have you been a Sagicor Life advisor?
I became a Sagicor Advisor July 2006
What do you enjoy the most about being an advisor?
Providing quality service to my clients/customers and assisting them to achieve their Dreams
What is your biggest/most fond accomplishment in your career as an advisor?
Being a Life Member of the prestigious "MDRT" Million Dollar Round Table. Being a president for the Caribbean Association of insurance and financial advisors.
Which Sagicor Life product do you like the most and why?
No particular product my recommendations are based on my clients Needs. They are all great products.
How do you stay motivated as a leader?
Stay motivated by reading and listening to motivational CD's ,speakers etc .By maintaining a positive mental attitude at all times. Associate myself and keep fellowship with Winners .NO NEGATIVE ENERGY.
Your top 3 things to share with other managers/leaders?
Believe in yourself and your Team. Treat others as you would love to be treated. Make recruiting and training new Team members as top priority.