CSR ‘Year in Review’ blog post
In 2020, as the world battled the unprecedented and challenging impacts of a pandemic, Sagicor sought to reassure the community of its unwavering support of the Jamaican people, through the continued roll-out of core corporate social responsibility initiatives as well as by responding to the new calls for support particularly in health and education. The company’s response to the coronavirus kicked off in March, when, with a donation of $20 million, it joined other corporate entities and the Private Sector of Jamaica (PSOJ) in raising $150 million, towards the coronavirus fight in the health sector.
This was followed up by the donation of a hand wash station to the Kingston and St Andrew Municipal Corporation, which was gladly received by vendors at the Coronation Market. Other donations of hand sanitization dispensaries were also carried out by the entity to schools and other organisations. Meanwhile, as distance learning got underway, Sagicor responded to the increased need for learning devices, with the donation of tablet computers to a series of entities, including the Abilities Foundation, the Jamaica Kidney Kids Foundation, as well as basic school and primary school students. Sagicor Bank Jamaica also responded to the call with the donation of Learning Corners – complete with desks, learning implements and laptops for some students in the Bank’s Star Savers programme.
In recognition of the increased burden on the health sector and first responders, Sagicor also moved to show care to our nurses, with the donation of Personal Protective Equipment to Nurses and Student Nurses alike. Some exceptional nurses from the Kingston Public Hospital were also treated to a spa day and provided gifts.
As the year went on the company continued showing love through donations and care packages to schools, hospitals, children’s homes and the elderly, in an effort to bring cheer and uplift those most affected by the pandemic.
Meanwhile, through its core CSR programmes, Sagicor continued to make a difference in the lives of many. The Foundation’s premiere initiative, Sigma Corporate Run, was the highlight of the year, when a record $55.3 million was raised in February for three beneficiaries. Later in the year, through the scholarship programme, the Foundation doubled its award of tertiary scholarships, in observance of its 50th anniversary and some $34 million was invested in scholarships and grants at the tertiary and secondary levels. Through the Adopt-a-School programme, the Foundation also delivered on its promise to its to three adopted early childhood institutions, by completing major renovation work and upgrades. In December, three newly adopted schools were taken on board and all the students were treated to Christmas gifts.
At Sagicor, we believe in the power of giving and the potential for change and transformation when we all play our part. Over the years, we have witnessed the beautiful impact of even the smallest act of kindness. We are unwavering in our faith that showing love and care to our fellow man is the purest form of service. Whether we are physically together or apart, we are one and by always giving each other a helping hand, we can rely on a guarantee of strength.