5 Myths and Misconceptions About Prostate Health and Prostate Cancer
Let's be honest: the prostate gland is something the average Jamaican man doesn't think about very often, and when it comes to the dreaded digital rectal exam commonly used to check for abnormalities, he would rather not think about it at all. However, it is vital that men take this part of their body seriously according to research by noted local scientist doctor Henry Lowe, Jamaica has a high incidents of prostate cancer-304 per 100,000, and a man of African descent -the majority of Jamaican men -have the highest prostate cancer incidence and mortality rates in the world.
In addition to ignoring prostate health or having a nonchalant attitude toward it, there are also a number of myths and misconceptions that impact how men view the disease. Here are a few of them:
1. I Don't Have Any Symptoms, So I Don't Have Prostate Cancer - Wrong. Prostate cancer frequently develops with none noticeable signs, and some symptoms such as frequent urination, difficulty Urinating, or pain while urinating, can easily be attributed to other conditions. Other signs include frequent pain and stiffness in the lower back, hips or upper thighs. If you experience any of these symptoms, be sure to tell your doctor.
2. Prostate Cancer Only Effects Old Men - It's true that most cases (four out of five) are often found in men 65 and older, and less than 1% of men under 50 are diagnosed with the disease. But that's no calls for nonchalance amongst young younger men, especially those in high risk groups- blacks; high fat diet; sedentary; work history in welding; battery manufacturing; rubber works; family history of the disease.
3. No One In My Family Has It, So I Won't -Regardless of family history, the fact is one in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime. If a man's father or brother has had prostate cancer, his risk of having the disease doubles, and it's even higher if he was diagnosed at a younger age (less than 55 closed), or if it affected three or more family members.
4. Treatment for Prostate Cancer Causes Impotence -There are several treatment options to consider if the disease is caught in the early stages, including surgery, radiation, and hormone therapy, which is usually reserved for older men two debilitated for active treatment or those in the advanced stages of the disease. It is a fact that the side effects of surgery and renewed and radiation can include erectile dysfunction and urinary inconsistency, but these complications don't occur in all cases. They also tend to be dependent on the patient's age and / or physical condition.
5. Prostate Cancer Is An Automatic Death Sentence - Only one in 35 men actually die from prostate cancer. Early detection could make at 10 to 15 year life or death difference. The first line of defense is information so read as much as you can about prostate health and be sure to see your doctor. Additionally, pay attention to your overall health as regular exercise and proper diet has been shown to reduce the risk of getting prostate cancer and improve the chances of the of surviving the disease.