The Ultra Lifeline plan is an equity linked insurance plan available to anyone between the ages of 20 to 60. It provides a benefit on the early death or if you were to suffer certain serious and potential disabling illness is upon first diagnosis of one of the conditions noted below:
- Cancer
- Heart attack
- Stroke
- Paralysis
- Coma
- Major burns
- Blindness
- Deafness
- Loss of speech
- Coronary artery
- Bypass surgery
- Major organ transplant
- Multiple sclerosis
- Kidney failure
- Alzheimer disease
- Angioplasty
- Artery graft surgery
- Benny gene
- Brain tumour
- Heart valve replacement
- Loss of limbs
- Motor neuron disease
- Parkinson's disease.
The benefit is paid in lump sum directly to you or your beneficiary
features and benefits
The maximum sum insured is $35 million per life insured.
You may choose any one of four benefit options:
1. The death benefit and lifetime benefit are the total of the basic sum insured and the bid value of the units in the surgical Cayman segregated funds less any indebtedness.
2. The death benefit under life benefits are greater of the basic sum insured and the bid value of the units attributed to the interest fund plus the bid value of the units in The Sagicor came on segregated funds excluding the interest fund less any indebtedness, or
3. The death benefit is returned to all basic premiums paid plus the bid value of the units in the surgical Cayman segregated funds excluding the interest unless any indebtedness and the lifeline benefit is the total of the sum insured and the bid value of the units in the Sagicor came and segregated funds less any indebtedness.
4. The death benefit is the return of all basic premiums paid plus the bid value of the units in the sag referred came and segregated funds excluding the interest fund less any indebtedness under lifeline benefit is greater of the basic sum insured and the bid value of the units attributed to the interest fund plus the Bid value of the units in decider came and segregated funds excluding the interest fund less any indebtedness.
*Different premium rates apply for each option.