
Super Term is a non-participating, renewable, convertible term insurance plan. The policy is for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 year renewal term periods to age 80 nearest birthday. The minimum issue age is 18. The maximum issue age is dependent upon the term chosen as follows:

Renewal Term Minimum Issue Age Maximim Issue Age Expiry Age
5 18 75 80
10 18 70 80
15 18 65 80
20 18 60 80
25 18 55 80
30 18 50 80


Life Insurance Coverage

The benefit payable on death is the Sum Insured less any Indebtedness. Provided that this policy has been in force for at least two years, half of this amount subject to an upper limit decided by the Company from time to time, is payable upon diagnosis of a terminal illness, where the Insured Person is not expected to live for more than six months.

features and benefits

The minimum sum insured is $5,000,000. The following sum insured bands are available:

$5,000,000 - $17,499,999 
$17,500,000 - $34,999,999
$35,000,000 and over

A volume discount of $0.05 per $1,000 sum insured is applied to each successive band after the first band. Hence:

The premium per $1000 is reduced by $0.05 for a sum insured falling in the second band.
The premium per $1000 is reduced by a further $0.05 for a sum insured falling in the third band. In addition, a policy fee is charged which the Company can vary from time to time.

The expiry date is the policy anniversary upon which the Life Insured attains age 80.

Disability Waiver of Premium Rider
In the event that you become totally disabled before age 60 for a period exceeding 6 months, the Company will waive the payment of each premium due for the subsequent length of your disability.

Accidental death and Dismemberment
If you are injured by external, violent and accidental means, the Company will pay out a percentage of the sum insured. In the event of loss of life, such payment will be made to the Beneficiary. In any other cases, such payment will be made to the Applicant.

The Return of Premium Rider
The Return of Premium Rider can be added to the policy if a 15, 20, 25 or 30 year renewal term period is selected. The maximum issue age – or age at renewal – for this benefit is such that the age at issue – or age at renewal – plus the term does not exceed 80.

Read the Brochure


Super Term Brochure 2022

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