
Have your investment portfolio customized to fit your financial goals.

At Sagicor Asset Management, we put your money to work for you.

Our experienced Wealth Management Advisors will work in partnership with you to give you the benefit of our money management services:

  • Customized portfolio management to meet your objectives
  • Strong, experienced financial team that helps manage your investments
  • Our tailored service is client driven and focused on what to purchase

Schedule an appointment and get started on an investment portfolio tailored to your financial goals.

More About Us

Our Wealth and Portfolio Management Divisions exist to provide High Net Worth Individuals and corporations with Defined Contribution Pension plans.

The services of our portfolio managers include personalized assistance for investment solutions, one-on-one meetings with clients and foundations for the Wealth Management divisions, as well as trustee, directorial, and staff sessions for corporate clients. We provide information regarding trends in the global markets and ensure clients are sensitized to the risks and rewards of investing.
Any client falling under these divisions has access to the wealth of financial finesse within Asset Management and can invest in local, regional and international investment instruments directly through the Sagicor suite of mutual fund products or other specifically tailor-made portfolios.
By providing frequent follow-up meetings and courtesy calls, we can ensure that all clients remain satisfied and confident that their monies are invested to their specifications.
For Portfolio Management, please contact:-
Dexter Moe
Vice President, Investment Management Services
1 (246) 467-7521
[email protected]
Simone Simpson
Portfolio Manager
1 (246) 467-5110
[email protected]
Brizanne Best
Manager, Portfolio & Risk Analytics
1 (246) 467-5329
[email protected]
Nicholas Neckles
Portfolio Manager
1 (246) 467-5176
[email protected]
Kareem Manning
Portfolio Manager
1 (246) 467-5310
[email protected]

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