With our Segregated Fund, the premise is that you will be investing in an instrument that will allow you to ‘pool’ your money with other investors.
Fund units credited to you represent your proportionate stake of ownership in the segregated fund. Therefore, the value of the units issued to you is commensurate to your claim on the underlying assets of the Fund.
The Fund in turn uses that ‘pool’ of cash from unit holders to purchase securities such as stocks, bonds, real estate, mortgages, money market instruments, and mutual funds.
The term “segregated” means that investment in the Fund is held separate and distinct from the general assets of Sagicor. Therefore, the Segregated Pension Funds’ assets are safeguarded and managed accordingly.
The most important element in pension funding is the investment return on the pension fund. However, the pension fund has to be substantial to provide such diversification of assets as would provide adequate capital security.
This is the principle around which the Segregated Pension Funds Policy was written. In April 1969, the Barbados Mutual Life Assurance Society, now Sagicor Life Inc, established the Barbados Mutual (Bonds) Fund and the Barbados Mutual (Equity) Fund - two registered Unit Trusts in Barbados.
Investment in these Unit Trusts is restricted to Barbados registered Pension Plans, giving the Unit Trusts tax exempt status. The Unit Trusts are referred to as the Segregated Pension Funds, because the assets are held apart from Sagicor's Life Fund.
Sagicor offers pension administration services to Barbados registered Pension Funds including those investing in the unit trusts.
Administration services include plan design, record-keeping and payment of benefits.
Since 1993, the Bonds Fund and the Equity Fund have returned compound annual interest rates of 8.5% and 6.4% respectively.
View the Performance of the Barbados Segregated Pension Fund.
View Fund Performance