The Murphy's Story

The Murphy's Story
January 13, 2019
Sometime in July of 2013, the island of Barbados passionately rallied around the story of young Zane Murphy. Zane suffered an accident that resonated with the wider Barbadian community. Friends and strangers from across the island heard his story after an initial call to donate blood, and Barbadians responded overwhelmingly. This led to a growing online community, fed by concern for the young and energetic symbol of hope that Zane represents, and served by a mother who recognised the need from a concerned public to share the Murphys’ burden. Four years later, there’s still a bit of magic to Zane’s progress. To see his energy as any other five-year-old is true motivation. His passion for farm life and a doting family signals a blessed future for this young boy.

Today, for Zane’s parents, Mark and Dr Maddy Murphy, and big brother Matthew, farm life continues to be a lesson in moments that matter most. As a lecturer in Public Health at the University of the West Indies, Maddy understands the importance of informed decision-making. So when the time came for her own family’s medical care, she turned to Sagicor. “Sagicor helped us make informed decisions so we wouldn’t have any surprises,” says Maddy. “So much so that when we’ve had to use our insurance overseas for Zane, the hospitals commented on the ease of working with our insurance company.”

Knowing their family’s ongoing medical needs will be covered makes it easier for the Murphys to plan for tomorrow. “We’re confident that Sagicor is looking out for the best interest of myself and my family. I’ve personally seen this in action,” adds Maddy.