Ways to Pay Your Premium

Online Payments


Pay using the Sagicor GO Mobile App

Pay you life, health, motor, home and general insurance premiums and your mortgage using the Sagicor GO mobile app. Download from the Android or Apple iOS app stores today to pay conveniently using your credit card or VISA or Mastercard branded debit cards.

App Store Badge         Google Play Store Badge

Pay using the Sagicor GO Client Portal

Pay your life, health, motor, home and general insurance premiums; even your mortgage payment using the Sagicor GO client portal. Login or Signup today!



Pay using Online Banking

How to Add Sagicor as a Payee on your online banking platform

Watch the video below to learn more.

Online Banking Information

How to make Motor, Home and General Insurance Payments during COVID-19

  • Pay from your bank account

    Use the bill payment function on the online banking portals of CIBC Caribbean or use the same function on their apps.
  • Use the Third-Party transfers option on any online banking portal.

You first need to set up Sagicor General Insurance Inc. as a payee using our bank information:

    • CIBC Caribbean – Old Parham Road, St John’s Antigua
    • Account Number:  106689518

Put the policy holder (insured) and the policy number in the “reference” field, so that the premium is credited to your policy.

  • Wire transfer to bank
    • CIBC Caribbean – Old Parham Road
      Account Number:  106689518
      Swift Code: FCIBAGAG
      Routing: 09626010
  • Use credit card, clients who wish to pay via credit card can confirm this by calling 480-5556, 480 5565 or 480-5555


How to Make Payments for Life, Health and Mortgages during COVID-19

Account Name:      Sagicor Life (Eastern Caribbean) Inc
Bank Name:           CIBC Caribbean Antigua
Account Number:   106-2457
Routing Number:    096260100
Account Type:        Chequing

To ensure your payments are accurately applied, you are also required to do the following: