Our Reputation
Sagicor has developed a solid reputation because of its financial stability. That reputation is based on Sagicor’s excellent financial prudence over the years. Since 1999, confidence in the company has been reflected in Sagicor’s “A-” (Excellent) rating from A.M. Best Company (4th best out of 16 possible ratings). This rating is based on Sagicor’s financial strength, the ability to meet its ongoing obligations, strategic management and operating effectiveness. Sagicor is also an accredited member of the Arizona Better Business Bureau with an A+ rating.

Our Capital Standards
The Sagicor Group observes the capital standards of the Canadian life insurance industry and has maintained capital ratios comparable to the strongest Canadian life insurers. Sagicor Life Insurance Company (U.S. operations) is governed by the capital standards of the state of Texas as promulgated by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). We consistently maintain over 300% of the required capital.

Our Logo
The Sagicor logo was designed to capture our heritage and link it to our vision and our promise for the future. We reviewed the elements of our old logo, the Phoenix, a symbol of rebirth and the ability to rejuvenate itself. The S is not only the first letter of our new name Sagicor it is also a modern ‘stylized’ depiction of that mythical bird.

Our Colors
Our Caribbean heritage naturally led us to consider the colors that surround us every day, and indeed that is symbolic of the entire world, the blue of the sky and water and the green of the flora. From them we chose the new Sagicor corporate colors, green and blue. The corporate green and blue are used in the logo and they are also used for the color field bands and display type in our advertising. Our warm colors, clean modern typography used to write our name and the fluid forward motion of our logo reflect the raison d’être for our existence, to provide you with ‘Wise Financial Thinking for Life.’