Let’s Island together Series: The Sun Still shines
No matter what, the sun still shines. At least that’s the case for us here in the Caribbean. Now is a great time for us to truly rally around each other with all that’s happening in the world. We must be our brother’s keeper in our homes, communities, countries and the wider Caribbean. Let’s Island Together!
Each week we’ll be asking you to share photos for a specific theme. We would love you to share and tag your friends using the hashtag #IslandTogether. We are all in this together, so let’s all share and experience the oneness of the Caribbean as we learn and enjoy our bright and bold cultures.
This week we’re asking you to get up, stretch, get some fresh air and snap a picture of the sunrise or sunset where you are! If you’re still quarantined at home then just take a step outside! If you’re allowed to be on the beach or elsewhere, then take it from there too! Share with us and we’ll share some of your submissions every Monday.
How does the sun rise or set where you are? Who has the best sunrise or sunset? Let’s use this series as a way to take our minds away from our current situations, even if just for a moment. Let’s illuminate our social media with our sunrise pics. Can’t wait to see yours!
See other ways to help you brighten up the day with these Covid-19 Quarantine Tips below:
How much social media is too much social media?
Keeping up with the elderly
Ways to Edutain the kids at home
Staying healthy
5 Work From Home Tips
Staying Sane Indoors 101
2020 Can Still be Your Year