2020 RESOLUTIONS: Challenge Yourself!
You’ve written your resolutions, you’ve completed your vision board and you’re ready to smash your goals. Now it’s time to challenge yourself!
By challenging yourself, you learn more about who you are, you grow, and you find your hidden potential.
The goal shouldn’t be to make resolutions that are practical and achievable without much effort. Though practicality is reasonable, we must challenge ourselves to set the bar higher as we strive to go further.
Every time you step out of your comfort zone, take on a new challenge, and work to overcome it, you empower yourself!
Here are other benefits of challenging yourself:
• You debunk the concept of “impossibilities”
• You gain valuable life skills
• You build self confidence
• You find new opportunities
• You benefit from new experiences
If you really want true change to come, you must be honest. Getting real about where you are and the steps you need to take will help you bring about change but also push you beyond your limits.
Still seem difficult?