We strongly believe in the Sagicor's values of being a Timeless, Borderless, and Colourless entity. These values speak to the all-encompassing nature of our company; guiding our behaviour, procedures, business decisions and relationships.

By Timeless we mean that we are building a company for today, which, while relevant to the current time, will continue to remain relevant for all times. Therefore we will always be innovative and embrace change, never allowing ourselves to become staid or obsolete so that we can retain our edge to compete in the future.

By Borderless, We will view ourselves as members of one organisation, and will not be constrained by any self imposed physical, intellectual or cultural limitations. We will conduct our business in a way that truly reflects this philosophy.

By Colourless, we mean we will conduct our business and interpersonal relationships on that consciously high level which creates an environment characterised by a philosophy of equitable treatment and equal opportunity for all.