
Don't miss a good investment opportunity! Choose Sagicor Investments Securities Trading Services. We trade fixed income securities, local and global bonds, commercial paper and other classes of securities. We also offer you the flexibility to trade securities online with the Jamaica Stock Exchange!


  • We trade Fixed/Variable Rate Sovereign Securities, Global Bonds and Structured Products.
  • Call, Email or Fax your trades and experience our fast and convenient service. Our traders will recommend the best asset aligned with your portfolio objective.
  • Monthly consolidated statement
    • You'll receive a monthly consolidated statement with all your trading activities and an overview investments portfolio.
  • Investment news and views services
    • Receive the latest market information including research information and commentary for free via SMS, e-mail or fax at your choice.

Discuss investment strategies with our traders today.



Please speak with a Sagicor Global Investment Advisor at your nearest branch or call 888-SAGICOR.