
Any purchase or sale of shares should be transacted through a broker. Our team at Sagicor Asset Management Inc (SAMI) would be happy to assist . Please contact:
Sagicor Asset Management Inc at 1-246-467-7616 or email: [email protected]

Transferring of shares, in the case of death of the shareholder, is a legal matter. You should contact an attorney-at-law to be guided accordingly. However, a certified copy of the death certificate along with a certified copy of the Letters Testamentary or Letter of Administration should be sent to Sagicor so that the account can be changed to the "Estate of John Doe".
This will enable the beneficiary to negotiate dividend cheques issued to the Estate. Send this information to:


Andre Scantlebury
Corporate Administrator
Sagicor Financial Corporation
Wildey, St Michael
Tel: 1 (246) 467-5179
Fax: 1 (246) 426-7907
Email: [email protected]

In order to update your address on register kindly provide the following information:
Date of birth and/or account number on register, current address on register, and the updated address to be placed on register. This information can be sent either via mail to:
Andre Scantlebury
Corporate Administrator
Sagicor Financial Corporation
Wildey, St Michael
Tel: 1 (246) 467-5179
Fax: 1 (246) 426-7907
Email: [email protected]

Send the stale-dated dividend cheques to:
Sagicor Financial Corporation
P.O. Box 104
If you are not in possession of your stale-dated cheques contact the following either by phone, fax, e-mail or mail, for further instructions:
Andre Scantlebury
Corporate Administrator
Sagicor Financial Corporation
Wildey, St Michael
Tel: 1 (246) 467-5179
Fax: 1 (246) 426-7907
Email: [email protected]

Send a certified copy of the name change document, e.g. deed poll, marriage certificate, along with your request stating your date of birth, current address, and current name on register to:
Andre Scantlebury
Corporate Administrator
Sagicor Financial Corporation
Wildey, St Michael
Tel: 1 (246) 467-5179
Fax: 1 (246) 426-7907
Email: [email protected]

Only the Barbados Central Securities Depository Inc (BCSDI) can give you a statement of your account. Send your request, with BDS $10.00 payable to Barbados Central Securities Depository Inc to the attention of:
Camelia Trotman
Barbados Central Securities Depository Inc
8th Avenue Belleville
St Michael

Sagicor Financial Corporation is traded on four stock exchanges:
The Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange (TTSE) - www.stockex.co.tt
The Barbados Stock Exchange (BSE) – www.bse.com.bb
The London Stock Exchange (LSE) – www.londonstockexchange.com
Sagicor Shares are traded as SFC in Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad and as SFI on the London Stock Exchange
Sagicor Financial Corporation's shares can also be monitored on our home page.

The addresses to which the proxies are returned are found on the Notice of Annual Meeting in the Annual Report and on the Shareholder Proxy Form.
Generally, the addresses below are listed:
The Corporate Secretary
Sagicor Financial Corporation
Sagicor Corporate Centre
Wildey, St Michael
The Corporate Secretary
Sagicor Financial Corporation
c/o Sagicor Life Inc, Sagicor Financial Centre
16 Queen's Park West
Port of Spain
However, the addresses should always be verified in the current Annual Report.

Yes, start by contacting:
Andre Scantlebury
Corporate Administrator
Sagicor Financial Corporation
Wildey, St Michael
Tel: 1 (246) 467-5179
Fax: 1 (246) 426-7907
Email: [email protected]

Yes you can still claim these shares. To do this you must provide your full name, date of birth, a valid picture ID, and what your address would have been in 2002 when demutualisation took place, and send to the attention of:


Andre Scantlebury
Corporate Administrator
Sagicor Financial Corporation
Wildey, St Michael
Tel: 1 (246) 467-5179
Fax: 1 (246) 426-7907
Email: [email protected]