Triple Protector Plus is a non-medical plan that is intended to provide you with a lump sum cash benefit in the event that you are diagnosed with:
• Cancer
• Heart Attack
• Stroke
• Coma
• Blindness
• Deafness
• Loss of Speech
• Paralysis
• Major Burns
For the purpose of this plan, full definition of each condition is provided in the brochure linked below. The plan is issued to persons between the ages of 18 and 60. There is no cash value.
Purpose of Triple Protector Plus
Triple Protector Plus provides a living benefit in cash directly to the insured. The amount paid out can be used for any purpose, from immediate health related costs to more general financial concerns such as looking after business, assets, or family – freeing the insured to concentrate more closely on getting healthy. Advances in medicine mean that even when diagnosed with one of these diseases, you are likely to survive for a long time. However, coping with a critical illness is not cheap. The technology that may save your life could destroy your financial well-being in the process. Recovery is often lengthy and expensive, involving losses to your personal wages and costs for care and treatment. This cash lump sum helps ease financial worries while you are undergoing treatment and recuperation.
Coverage Available
The maximum sum insured is $50,000.00 per life insured. Coverage is available in varying amounts. You decide on the level of coverage required, subject to payment of at least the minimum premium.
features and benefits
The sum insured is paid on the first diagnosis of most forms of Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke, Coma, Blindness, Deafness, Loss of Speech, Paralysis or Major Burns after the policy has been in force for 180 Days.
Where diagnosis occurs within 180 days of the issue date, the benefit is restricted to return of all basic premiums paid. Furthermore, all claims must be submitted no later than 6 months after diagnosis.