5 Breast Cancer Myths Debunked
This and every October, Sagicor joins the global community in recognizing Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Like you, we want a cancer-free world, so as a company we support the work of the Jamaica Cancer Society and other cancer related organizations, in bringing awareness, educating, and providing the critical resources needed by those affected by breast cancer.
One of the quickest ways to support the fight against breast cancer is by educating your friends and loved ones on the disease. By knowing and sharing the symptoms and facts, we can help dispel misinformation and even save a life through early detection. Read on as we debunk five common breast cancer related myths...
1. Myth: I have no family history, I'm good
Fact: You can develop breast cancer from lifestyle and environmental factors.
2. Myth: Breast Cancer only affects women over 45
Fact: 60% of local cases are from ages 25-59.
3. Myth: Only women get breast cancer
Fact: Although rare, one man in a thousand will have breast cancer in his lifetime.
4. Myth: Finding a lump in the breast equals breast cancer
Fact: Approximately 80% of lumps are benign like cysts.
5. Myth: Regular mammograms prevent cancer
Fact: No, but early detection saves lives by finding and treating in early stages.