
In the current economic climate, it is more important than ever to use the best financial tools at your disposal. But with so many different options out there, it can be difficult to know which will provide the most security.
Perhaps it is time to consider a life insurance product? An Endowment from Sagicor provides cash value over a certain time, a lump sum at a specific maturity date which provides savings opportunities throughout your lifetime.
What is Endowment Insurance?
An endowment insurance policy is for a specified period, during which it accumulates a cash value. In addition, the policy also guarantees a lump sum paid to the policyholder, if living, on the maturity date or to a beneficiary if the insured dies before that date.

For more information, give us a call at 1 (800) 744-7707 or email us at [email protected]


Endowment to age 65 helps you to protect your financial future and allows you to:

  • Accumulate cash values for future cash requirements such as liquidating mortgage payments, the cost of education, wealth accumulation or even supplementing retirement income.
  • Ensure that in the event of death, your family’s needs are taken care of and expenses or debts can be settled.


Sagicor 175 Endowment Plan II

With 175% of the Sum Assured, choose a Financial Plan you can thank yourself for. The Sagicor 175 Endowment Plan II suite of products is your opportunity to create the legacy of a more comfortable and secure future for you and your family.

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