Sagicor Financial Company Ltd. Announces the Passing of Board Director Mr. John F. Shettle Jr.
We mourn, with great sadness, the loss of our dear friend, colleague and director John F. Shettle Jr. John joined Sagicor as a director in 2006 serving as a member of several key Board Committees and as Chairman of the Investment and Risk Committee for Sagicor USA and Chairman of the Audit Committee for Sagicor Financial Company Limited. Through his quiet and insightful discourse on Board matters and his wise counsel, John made a significant contribution to the growth and development of our Company. He will be missed by all at Sagicor. We offer our heartfelt condolences to his wife Abbey, their three sons and the entire Shettle family at this time. John’s obituary may be found at
Here are some of the tributes paid to John by his fellow Sagicor directors:
“John was as fine a director as Sagicor Financial Company Limited and Sagicor USA are ever likely to have serve on their boards, and his insightful contributions to their deliberations never wavered as he fought his illness.”
“He was a warrior, who despite his illness and setbacks, never took a step backwards. I am sure we will all miss him, his enthusiasm and his expertise.”
“We shall miss his quiet and effective interventions — always given in a collegial and respectful manner. May his soul rest in peace, and may his loved ones calmly bear the pain of their loss.”
“John’s passing is a huge loss.”
“I didn’t know he was ill, which is a further testament to his strength, bravery, and character.”
“Having worked with John in his capacity as Chair of the Audit Committee (albeit a short time), I came to respect his quiet, but effective manner in conveying his usually well-thought positions.”
“He was a smart, thoughtful, and very decent man”.
“John was an amazing man and an amazing contributor to Sagicor.”
“I got to know and respect John over almost a decade that I served with him at Sagicor. His wise counsel will be missed.”
“His timely insights and willingness to mentor the Sagicor executives was invaluable.”
On behalf of the Board of Directors, Management and Staff, may he rest in peace.