Staying Sane Indoors

De-Ann Smith April 23, 2020

We’re in a situation we’ve never been in before and it’s been a difficult time for many. Honestly there are so many things we can do to keep ourselves sane like find time to exercise, watch movies, catching up with friends virtually, experimenting in the kitchen and more (Log onto our social media pages for more ideas to keep us occupied and see blog - staying healthy 101).

However, the lockdown across the world has forced many of us to sit and think about life. Covid-19 threw us a curve ball but life tends to do that at some point, right? Quarantine and isolation have some of us in our heads right now and may need some clarity. So yes, the tips below are to help you through these times, but we hope it also prepares you for life. Stay sane! 

1. Do not be anxious. It’s normal to fear the unknown but anxiety and stress can weaken the immune system. That’s the last thing we need right now so check out our #stayingsane tips on social media for help. 

2. In a time of reflection, when making tough decisions, follow your heart. Your heart will feel right even when the mind feels uncomfortable. Our minds are usually filled with doubts and societal influences.

3. Seek advice. Don’t feel the need to make all of your decisions alone. Confide in the ones you trust and have proven to be there for you without judgement. A partner perhaps? Parent? There’s a saying “mothers know best” but daddy does too! 

4. Aim for peace. In the midst of chaos, figure out what brings you the most peace. 

5. Don’t be too hard on yourself. We’re in a time where governments of the world don’t have it figured out yet. It may be a lot right now; you didn’t foresee this challenge and that’s okay. We are all adjusting, but we can figure it out together.

6. Most of us believe in a higher power, so put your trust in your God and let it go.

7. Don’t try to have it all figured out immediately. Some of us don’t have jobs and some of us are dealing with other pressing issues outside of COVID-19 but the future is always bright. Even when we don’t see it or feel it, it’s working out.

8. The change happening right now is inevitable. Life is full of unexpected changes and we can’t focus on the past. All we have is the present. Don’t feel bad about past decisions. No one predicted this. Get through this first and be intentional about creating the life you know is best for you.

9. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! We all need each other. 

10. Set yourself up for success after quarantine, whatever that looks like to you. Work on that new project, start putting together that business plan, reconnect virtually with a loved one and work on important relationships. We tend to talk ourselves out of what can potentially change our lives or make us happy; trying to find every possible reason why it won’t work. That’s fear. Take a risk! Not trying is an automatic loss and that’s a risk you don’t/shouldn’t want to take. 

Sometimes life catches us by surprise. Don’t be upset with the world, just roll with the punches. It may be outside of our comfort zones, but sometimes we have to let go of the past and the things we had planned; and make room for the new things life throws at us. 

Don’t give up, do it together, have each other’s backs and keep the faith. It’s not and will not be easy but when we get through it, the fight would’ve been worth it! Please fight! 

We are in this together, always remember that.

Here are some other blogs to help you and your loved ones in this time, so feel free to share!

How much social media is too much social media?

Keeping up with the elderly 

Ways to Edutain the kids at home

Staying healthy 

5 Work From Home Tips

NB: If you feel depressed or overly anxious, please seek professional help! #InThisTogether